My friend Reggie from Wellington was listening to me over net radio (streaming was terrible so he could only hear jack all) and I have not heard much from him in months! I used to dominate him in a game of pool. Was soopa good at it or maybe he was just that bad. Reg is an intern. He just started on a new rotation of paediatrics and checked up on an 8 week old today, she smiled at Reg like he was her dad. That must be intense! It was quite emotional for Reg. He told me docs have to hold it together at least in front of the patient at times. He also recommended me to listen to one of Kiwi’s best radio station. Apparently their breakfast show is hilarious.
Here are recommendations from Dr. Reg when feeling sleepy at work:
Do a little dance, it'll send blood to your brain or alternatively hit your head on the table. Reg will be certified next year so his suggestions are almost fully valid. In fact it's actually gospel so you shall adhere to it. After all docs know best.
CK’s recommendations when feeling sleepy:
D.A.N.C.E also. Try this something I call fishing, just pretend you have a fishing rod and that you are using it. That’s a dance move. Do it to the left, right and centre and the back. I’ve got plenty of other moves which I can only show you, it’s hard to describe Oh the pop drop and lock is a good routine too. I also like a 4 step routine like left foot forward at an angle to the left, right foot follows, then right foot to the right horizontal and left foot follows. Ahh it's too much to describe.
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