The holy and blessed festive month for our part of the equator clearly has not made much of an impact on me and not even in a spiritual sense too. Ramadhan has only brought me to one buffet and a one-time trip to the food stalls before its expiration and Syawal has brought me to one open house but unlike Ramadhan, Syawal has only just begun. The Hari Raya rush, no not the shopping rush but the rush to return to the villages has turned drivers to road ragers. Staying home where peace and serenity is at and away from gore and blood is definitely a much better idea than to be on Brunei roads in this occasion. Eid Mubarak!
Here's an update:
4 Deaths, 53 Accidents In First Week Of Raya
Thought it was my paranoia, but it was in the papers a couple of days back.
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