Pa woke me up from bed at 7.30 pm. To clear the air, if you are wondering why I was asleep at that hour, I'm on holiday so it’s excusable. Back to Pa waking me up, he doesn't normally do this unless he needs help with jacking up the car. But tonight was something rather beautiful, it was two stars above a half-moon forming a smiling face. We gazed at it for a bit admiring how charming it was and as Pa puts it 'heaven is smiling down on us'...cheesy but since its Pa, the line is acceptable for his age. I quickly took my tinie weenie cybershot and snapped a picture of it. It has said to be Venus and Jupiter and a crescent moon forming a smiley face, with the planets forming the eyes and the moon forming the mouth. Stargazing and birdwatching have always been my past time and I was glad to be able to witness the best view of the effect, with the moon appearing closer to the eyes. Beauty captured…with a lousy camera ): I just googled on the beep beep sound of Sputnik. Pretty awesome. Mother of Light!
Now Say 'Chris Martin's a Socially Awkward Douche'
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