Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fortune Teller Experience:

He wasn't that old, was like my dad's age. Mid 50's maybe. He has a business card too! He didn't find me nor did I stumble on him. A friend who's crazy about the 9th dimension introduced me to this character. The fortune teller lives in a shack, 1 room and that's it. That 1 room was decorated with relics, hand carved statues and manuscripts. He is chinese. I was pretty nervous as it was my first time. He could be phony, I mean what fortune tellers have business cards? Someone who cares about the important element of their visual identity? Or could he be the real-deal and has god's telephone number? Let me rundown to what he actually did:

He asked for the time of day I was born, went through his library and looked at the water, fire, etc elements. Next, was palm reading. Then it was me shuffling a deck of cards. All this went by so slowly and cos he spoke hockien, I was a bit lost. I wished I had google translate with me. I have jotted down most of the things he said and the numbers he gave me. Those numbers were considered as lucky numbers, so I went to buy 4D for two weeks and won nothing (not-so-lucky-aye). He told me I would lose a lot of blood this year, and to avoid that from happening I should donate my blood. I went to the hospital the other day, the nurse took a sample of my blood and I'm not a suitable candidate for blood donation cos of my low blood platelet. That didn't work out well. Instead I came home with a packet of 30 5mg folic acid tablets. He told me my boyfriend is around me and I will come to be aware of it 6 months down the line, that will be in June. So far I have had nothing but really bad dates and dry spells. Hmm, what next, he told me there is someone out to get me, to take me down and ruin my life. I can't think of anyone else but two of my ex bosses. Boy did I hated them so much. Plus job wise, he told me I am working in the wrong country because my talent is put on limitations. There were a lot of other nice things he said, like I know what I want and my future is secured and all. Funny thing is I don't even like my full time job at the mo. I'm always miserable. I tipped him 20 brunei dollars. Maybe tipped is not the word to use? Donate maybe? For him to buy more incense :) Was a rather weird feeling for me.

I'll hit you with something random: Just a week ago, I dreamt of a massive snake, it bit my hair. Last night, I was in my friend's car and I spotted a snake down town. Some passer bys tortured it with bricks and stuffs. Creepy.


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